Term & Conditions :
Welcome to Almotairicurtains.pk (Online Store). By accessing and using this website, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of this website. If you do not agree with all the terms and conditions then you are not to use this website for any purpose. The terms and the conditions of the website apply to all the items in all the categories which are present in the website.
Almotairicurtains.pk reserve the right to alter, modify, change and make additions and reductions to the whole or part of the terms and conditions. The changes will be in effect once posted on the website without any further or prior notice. By using the website, you have agreed to the changes made in the terms and conditions.
Website Usage :
The use of the website for commercial purposes or as a third party on behalf of a user is not allowed unless it is explicitly told to us beforehand with the consent of the user. Any breach of these terms and conditions will lead to revocation of the order and other possible penalties.
The information posted on the website in terms of conditions is subjective to the person making them. Any views made by the customers are in no way the representation of the views of Almotairicurtains.pk
Copyrights and trademarks:
All the rights of property which is intellectual and present on the website whether registered or unregistered including all the web design and everything related to the website and all the codes written for the website are the property of Almotairicurtains.pk
Pricing and acceptance of order:
Almotairicurtains.pk holds the right to cancel any order at any time if it is out of stock or any other valid reason.
Almotairicurtains.pk holds the right to increase or decrease the price of any product at any time without any prior notification to the customer.
In case of bank transfer or any online payment mode, almotairicurtains.pk holds the right to demand any further information like transaction screenshots, verification of personal information and place of delivery. If we don’t receive any amount in our account due to any technical issue, customer will have to wait until successful transaction and only after that, the parcel of customer will be dispatched.
Sale & Discounts :
Sale and discounts are for a limited time and on limited products and if the sale products get out of stock, then there will be no discount on the new incoming stock. Moreover , there will be no return and refund for the discounted items. If you don’t agree to the term and conditions of this website, Please do not use this website for any kind of purpose.